Statement – Abusive Behaviour

By Meath GAA Thu 9th Jun

Statement – Abusive Behaviour
Statement – Abusive Behaviour

Meath GAA wishes to put on record its disgust at the personal abuse aimed at our members in recent times. 

Unfortunately, this has become a regular occurrence that persons representing Meath GAA are being abused whilst representing our organisation. 

We welcome and encourage our members to engage in meaningful conversations on our social media channels. However, this can never escalate into abusive behaviour directed at individuals. 

We understand the frustration that supporters feel when our teams do not perform to the level that we all feel they should. This frustration is felt most by the team itself. True supporters will support our teams when it is not easy to do so. 

Anyone that resorts to abusive behaviour is not putting the interests of Meath GAA to the forefront. Indeed, we would question their true intentions and if they are supporters at all. 

Finally, we ask all our members and supporters to focus on the future of Meath Gaelic games and support all our teams in the coming years. 

Ciarán Flynn

Meath GAA County Public Relations Officer


By Meath GAA Thu 9th Jun

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